Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Apps for parent communication:

I tried the Tellagami app, which is defined by the developers as: "By combining photos, voice, character customization and personality on a mobile platform, we help you communicate in a way that's never been possible".  Essentially, you can create a character and add voice to say a thirty second message. I utilized the app with students for weekly vocabulary and speech sounds. The student can create a 30 second recorded message that can be sent via email. I had the students record a message with sentences that they created with target vocabulary words. Then I was able to send the message to parents so they have an idea of the expectations in the classroom for "meaningful sentences" with the Wonders curriculum.
I also used the app to send parents updated progress regarding the speech sounds on which their child is working.
I think this app is good if the child is shy about having their face on the photo or the student has a "no photograph" clause in their file. However, I think you could use an app like Chatterpix and have the same effect without having to create a character and take the time to to pick clothes, pants, eyes, etc.. Chatterpix is an actual picture of the student which may appeal to parents. The two apps are essentially the same outcome.


  1. oh, you know what! I tellagami did not work anymore with no sounds. I don't know what's wrong as my other apps work great! But i love your idea of sharing with parents. I strongly believe that parents would love to know what's going on with their kids activities at school but they are busy and teachers are busy and it is sometimes hard. Thanks for your efforts!

  2. Rachel, I like how you used this app. I have used it before just to state directions, but I didn't really have any other ideas. I think you are right if students are shy to show their face or simply to talk they could use this as a form of communication. I do wish the messages could be longer.

  3. What a great idea to use this to model meaningful sentences for parents. This expectation is challenging to be able to explain to parents, so your model sounds great!

  4. Rachel-
    I have been using Tellagami and Chatterpix kids in combination with Aurasma and it has been really cool. Students use Aurasma to "scan" a picture and then the Tellagami or Chatterpix video pops up from their Anthology book. It's pretty cool to watch their learning come alive!

  5. As a parent who has a child with an articulation goal... it would be great to have updated progress on his sounds right at my finger tips. Cool idea!

  6. This is a great model for parents so they know what the expectation is. Sounds like a great way for students to communicate with others....I'll have to check this one out!

  7. I could see how this would be very motivating for students to want to record their meaningful sentences on! I could even use it in my small guided reading groups when reviewing vocabulary words! Thanks for the idea!

  8. I'll have to check out those apps. I haven't tried either one. I do have one child in particular that feels uncomfortable being filmed, so thanks for mentioning Tellagami. I know this would create less stress for him.

  9. Thanks for sharing this app - it sounds like a very effective way to communicate expectations to parents and to motivate students.

  10. Your parent communication apps are a wonderful way to inform parents of their child's current progress! I haven't used either app before but am interested in trying them out. Thanks for sharing!
