Wednesday, April 29, 2015

I attended the EdCamp conference to learn more about the tech community and new apps I could use with my students. One conference that I really liked was Mr. Balcom's seminar. He is a teacher in Kearney who used some really creative writing and reading tech ideas with students that allowed communication and correspondence with the global community.
The following link takes you to his website with many of the ideas about which he spoke.
The idea that I would like to incorporate next fall is the Global Read Aloud Project. You will see detailed information on his site. In essence, students from around the globe read the same books and blog or communicate with each other. I'm excited to try this but am thinking I may need to do it with my 5th grade group due to reading level. Typically, students in my speech groups are slightly below grade level in reading or comprehension.
Anyhow, check out his site- it's worth a look!

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